
Showing posts with the label gratitude

Random journal entry.. date and time N/A

 Journal Entry: Unknown date and time. The mind is like a muscle exercising it makes it stronger with ability to expand. Cultivate a positive mindset. Very good things can happen from the most challenging battles or negative events. Gratitude- always give "thanks". Rather than wanting anything more be completely thankful for the life you live right now. Every season has a reason.  I've got to keep reminding myself that I'm doing the best I can do with what I know. There are so many reasons that I feel lost, incomplete, or not good enough. Every task I try to complete leads me off into another direction where I begin but don't complete a different chore.  Stuff gets moved around, left out (to use or just see what's available) and creates chaos for not only me though my kids as well. Many people prove how the world will try to control you. The most important information you need is: you're in complete control of you.  No one on this earth will ever hold powe

Thankful for the little things.. (bc they're not so little)

A few years ago I learned a great way to teach myself all I'm grateful for is to write down 3 things I'm thankful for.  Yes, my 3 kids, always though I'm talking about the little things.  Things we tend to forget or let go of in passing the days away. There are so many fortunate moments for each and every one of us that go unrecognized because paying attention to them has never been influenced. Kids need to know that their life is never promised and neither are their parents.  Sometimes when it seems life has been so unfair it turns out that it's lead us exactly where we need to be. Losing someone or a good thing ending can really run a toll on one person and forget about it if they're responsible for the safety and well being of a child or children. It may seem pretty far fetched and down right stupid though whatever we lose; whoever we lose, it teaches us.  "Our loss is another's rejoice" was the quote at the top of a drawing that displayed a person