
January 30, 2025

  I hope all of my readers have a blessed day.  Remember that it doesn't matter what you look like or what you weigh if your heart is ugly you're ugly.  Period! Make someone smile today.  Let someone know you care.  It doesn't cost anything to be kind. Thank you so much for your time.

Postpartum doesn't have a time limit when you're alone..

  Post-partum depression was something I didn't experience until my last child.  I'm unsure if the fact that she's a girl had anything to do with it.  My first two children were boys.  Each of my kids has widely opened my eyes to new meanings in life.  My firstborn and oldest son more or less grew up with me.  Although I was smarter and one of the more responsible around my age I still made some horrible decisions.  Some people wouldn't change a thing looking back.  Not me.  If I could go back and make different choices, I would.  There's no doubt about it.  I have regrets, but I also am smart enough to know that I can't dwell on them.  By dwelling on them I'd just be holding myself back from new experiences.  The only way I'll be able to live each day is by accepting those regrets as the choices they were; the lessons they've been for me.  It's not easy to do and some days the battle wears me out.  Growing up I ...

Unconditional love: sent to him

  I suppose it's not an exciting email. We are on my mind. All the situations and the emotions I've been left to have. It's got me thinking that our love isn't the same. In reality, I see us trying another time or two though it occurs to me that my love has been completely unconditional. Still, it's been apparent all along that for you to love me there have been conditions. It's just been brought to my attention recently and I was told to sit and think back to the beginning. I see myself putting my all into someone who was dealing in numbers and I don't even know what mine was. You accomplished what you wanted.. part of me feels like you only came to me when you had no place else to go. I have been the last resort. 'what you say is only in persuasion and if I have what you need it only stauls you from leaving, it never once has stopped you.. that's not love. Not real love anyway. Real love is unconditional like the love that exists in me, f...