
Showing posts from December, 2024

Find a purpose

If you have the opportunity to work, it's important to take it. Your earnings cover not just your living costs but also serve a greater purpose. Even if the job isn’t your favorite, that's perfectly fine. Try to identify something you appreciate about it and hold onto that until you discover a role that excites you more. Always aim to exceed expectations; every experience carries a lesson that can benefit you. It’s up to you to embrace what you learn along the way.

Get the girl and keep the girl

  If you can flirt with the girl to get her then you can flirt with her to keep her.  So many of us are so quick to place blame as to why a relationship fades.  You have to stay interested in one another, genuinely. Instead of getting upset over the things they do or don't do that upset you, think about the things they do that contribute and make you feel good. It takes effortless work. He should give her time and she should be thankful for it. Embrace each other for what you actually do rather than what each other doesn't do. Even if it's something so small, it's important to acknowledge it.